Access Your Student Records. Understand Your Privacy Rights.

Access your unofficial transcript and academic records at

  • For assistance with login, contact the OIT Help Desk: 701-355-3711.
  • Contact us for help in accessing transcripts from prior to 2000-2001 academic year (contact information below).

You can also review your academic records in the Office of the Registrar by appointment.

Student Records: Privacy and Access Rights

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, the release of personally identifiable information, other than directory information, is made only upon written request by the student. The University of Mary defines the following as directory information:

  • Student's name
  • Address (local and permanent)
  • Telephone number (local and permanent)
  • Electronic mail address
  • Photograph
  • Date and place of birth
  • Major(s) and minor field of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Class level
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Degrees, honors, and awards received
  • The most recent educational agency or institution attended
  • Student ID number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used to communicate in electronic systems but only if the identifier cannot be used to gain access to education records except when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticate the user's identity, such as a PIN, password, or other factor known or possessed only by the authorized user

If you do not wish to be included in releases of directory information, you can obtain the necessary form from the Office of the Registrar. 

If you receive an honor or recognition at the University of Mary, the Office of Public Affairs will routinely release your name and the name(s) of your parent(s) to the media unless requested not to do so.


The Office of the Registrar is in the lower level of the Benedictine Center and is open 8 am - 4:30 pm Monday–Friday.

We are Just a Phone Call Or Email Away

Office of the Registrar
7500 University Drive Bismarck, ND 58504
701-355-8080 or 800-288-6279 (MARY)